मखनटोल तानसेन पाल्पा दरबार म्युजियम नजिकै (Building) भवन भाडामा उपलब्ध।
हरेक फ्लोरमा 2500sq ft स्पेस सहित 3 फ्लोर रहेको छ।
700 sq ft ग्राउन्ड प्लोरमा स्पेस छ भने 200sq ft वेसमेन्त रहेको छ।
Suitable for:
Hotel, Hotel training institutes, Nursing Home, Hostels, Office, Banks, Insurance, Corporate, NGOS/INGOS
Property featured:
Each floor 11 Furnished Rooms (TV, Beds, Furniture)
Each floor 11 Attached Bathrooms
Top floor with full fledged kitchen and rooftop
Solar water Heating System with Generator (Power)
All other accessories of hotel housekeeping, furniture, restaurants, and kitchen (equipment and utensils) are also available.
For more details:
Dakshina Singh Thakuri: +977 9849327839
Shyam KC: +977 9847101775
Telephone: 01-4412406
(Sun-Fri 10 am-6pm)
Email: info@safnepal.com
#Building_for_rent #makhantole #tansen_palpa #palpa_durbar_museum #successbusiness #realestate